Teaching Suggestions: Steampunk Architecture, Art and City mapping

In Chapter Three, the Capitol is promoted as an ecological marvel – self-sufficient and sustainable.  However, what evidence do we have that this is actually true, rather than an illusion created by the ruling military elite? What resources would you need to realistically sustain a city with several hundred inhabitants? Several thousand? Could the terrorists……

The Nature of Power

For any discussion of power, privilege or identity, it’s important to establish that the lesson is a workshop or open discussion, rather than an opportunity for indoctrination. While this may seem obvious to teachers, it still needs to be stated, as in many cultures the student-teacher relationship is itself a power dynamic. Teachers take on…

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Chapter One Study Questions – Paths of Heaven

[Even]before the invention of the airplane, some people imagined flight as one of mankind’s potentially greatest achievements. Flight would not only free people from the tyranny of gravity and its earthly chains, but it would liberate them mentally, socially, and spiritually. This linkage of the airplane and freedom was prevalent in much of the literature…

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