Chapter One Study Questions – Paths of Heaven

[Even]before the invention of the airplane, some people imagined flight as one of mankind’s potentially greatest achievements. Flight would not only free people from the tyranny of gravity and its earthly chains, but it would liberate them mentally, socially, and spiritually. This linkage of the airplane and freedom was prevalent in much of the literature……


Chapter Study Questions

A warm welcome to teachers and students! The Study Questions in this blog, are designed for classroom discussions, study groups or book clubs.  If you have extra questions to add, please contact us.  We welcome all suggestions. Students – please note that all your comments are public.  Comments are moderated.  Let us know, if you’d like…

Teaching Suggestions – War Poetry

HIGH FLIGHT  Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings; Sunward I’ve climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth Of sun-split clouds, — and done a hundred things You have not dreamed of — wheeled and soared and swung High in the sunlit silence. Hov’ring there, I’ve chased…

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Getting to know your students through Poetry

Where I’m from  ~ this is the title of a poem written by George Ella Lyon. The poem captures moments in the poet’s life that begin to tell us something about her history, her values, her cultural background.  You may not understand all the terms she uses, because they come from a particular time and…

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Steampunk Architecture – Teaching Suggestions

Rebuilding Arcadia, Book 1, gives students the opportunity to practice steampunk world-building, either through art projects or creative writing. Descriptions of the Capitol are general enough for students to easily add their own details and feel confident experimenting with setting and character development.  For Chapter One – Utopia – encourage students to expand on the…

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The Nature of Power

For any discussion of power, privilege or identity, it’s important to establish that the lesson is a workshop or open discussion, rather than an opportunity for indoctrination. While this may seem obvious to teachers, it still needs to be stated, as in many cultures the student-teacher relationship is itself a power dynamic. Teachers take on…

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The Teacher-Writer

The Teacher -Writer by Christine M. Dawson, Robert P. Yagelski. For those teachers struggling to add creativite writing into their lives, this book is invaluable. Very much a professional development resource, it describes the writing journeys of five colleagues and makes practical suggestions for developing your writing practice. Here’s an opening quote from Chapter 3:…

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