
Chapter One – Ecotopia

What is implied by the subtitle of Chapter One  – 10 Years after Fallout? Define the term ecotopia. Write a short descriptive explanation linking the two terms. Explore how one reality would lead to the other.   Suggested Readings MATHISEN, W. (2001). The Underestimation of Politics in Green Utopias: The Description of Politics in Huxley’s…

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Chapter One – Alternative History

Rebuilding Arcadia is set in a steampunk universe.  This means that history has taken a different course.  Events in the past have led to a radically different future.  Take a moment to examine historic events, organizations and political entities.  Use reasoning, logic and your imaginations to explore how this world may have developed.  Answer those tricky…

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Chapter One – Observation Skills

With any book, the setting in the first chapter, often holds clues to character traits, themes and plot lines. Test your observation skills, with these questions: Observation 1)    What are the key words used to describe this world? 2)    What type of government is featured in this book? What clues do you have? 3)    How…

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